I read about LuAZ-967 for the first time in the conference on Automotive News, and almost immediately decided - "must take". Still - swims, rides, cross-country at this level of quality off-road vehicles. Myachta one word. That's just - the release of their long ceased, and there was very little produced. And to top it, a lot of these machines suffered from "rukodelschikov" that a door will be cut, the booth is welded on top - port of the machine completely. So that the search process is more or less a living instance can take a very long time. A reduction to the status of required - for the rest of time.
The search continued for several years ... continue ->
Now the restoration is complete, and the car is 100% gets the job done, allowing you to get "back to where nice and clean \ where no boots trod tourist" (C) T.Shaov
Features LuAZ-967 List of improvements